---- -Upcoming 5/29/2017-
5th Annual Harts of Eden Farm Memorial Day Gathering Every Memorial Day, we try to encourage the community to get out and visit and remember your loved ones that may be buried around the various historic cemeteries in our area. To encourage you visit, Harts of Eden Farm will have hamburgers, hot dogs, pork barbecue, chips, and soft drinks available to anyone who stops by. We will also have fun activities such as kiddie pools (bring bathing suit), hiking trails, volleyball, badminton, wiffle ball, horse shoes, corn hole, and a bouncy house. Come hang out with the Mount Eden community, friends, and family and have a good time rain or shine. ALL visitors are welcome. Where: Harts of Eden Farm – 13057 Mount Eden Rd., Mount Eden, KY 40046 When: Monday May 29th (Memorial Day) – Noon until whenever. (Kicking you out @ 10pm) What to bring: Lawn Chair, Bathing suit, suntan lotion, appetite, favorite side dish or desert, and adult beverages. For Maps and directions please visit the farm website www.hartsofeden.com Directions from Louisville: Map Link: 13057 Mount Eden Rd, Mount Eden KY 40046 -4/24/2017- Meat bird processing day, processed 10 birds today! Show up if you would like your chicken as fresh as it gets! ---- -4/24/2017- 85 new chicks get kicked outside today! They are leaving the brooder, most will go into a new coop that was built and meat birds will immediately go out to pasture! -3/27/2017- 85 new chicks arrived today! The new crew of birds arrived today! -7/3/2016- The annual 4th of July / Lily’s B-Day Bash When: Sunday, July 3rd - 4pm until 7pm -Lily's 4th birthday party - 7pm until Dark – 4th of July party and FIREWORKS! We are celebrating early because the 4th is on a Monday and allow folks to attend other parties this year. Where: Harts of Eden Farm - 13057 Mount Eden Rd, Mount Eden, KY 40046 What to bring: Lawn chairs, bathing suit, Towel, suntan lotion, appetite, favorite side dish or desert (optional!), and your own adult beverages if you wish. Burgers, hotdogs, Soda pop, Cake and Ice Cream will be provided. Activities: B-day party – Games, Volleyball, Badminton, Whiffle ball, horse shoes, corn hole, hiking trails, kiddie pools (one for the little ones and one for kids aged 3 and up), sprinkler, Bouncy House, “Safari” Rides, and FIREWORKS after dark! There will be fun activities for both children and adults! Tents will be set up near the house so you can run inside quickly for some air conditioning. The party when off with a bang! We had some serious rain at the end but we were able to get the firework show complete before it hit! - 6/4/2016- Meat bird processing day, processed 8 birds today! Processed 8 Cornish Cross, processed weights were 3.6, 5.5, 5.5, 5.5,5.3,4.2,4.2,4.7 LBS! We were able to successfully use the plucker machine I built and with cleanup it took 2 people only 2 hours to complete. We should be able to start selling meat birds soon! ---- -5/30/2016- 4th Annual
Harts of Eden Memorial Day Party Hamburgers, hotdogs, chips, and soft drinks will be provided. There will be Food, Kiddie Pools (bring bathing suit), Hiking, Volleyball, Badminton, Wiffle ball, Corn Hole, Horse rides, Bouncy house and all sorts of other fun activities. Come see our new place, hang out with friends and family and have a good time. If it rains, or is too hot, we have plenty of air conditioning inside. ALL visitors are welcome. Where: Harts of Eden Farm – 13057 Mount Eden Rd., Mount Eden, KY 40046 (45 minutes from Louisville) When: Monday May 30th (Memorial Day) – Noon until whenever. (Kicking you out @ 10pm) What to bring: Lawn Chair, Bathing suit, suntan lotion, appetite, favorite side dish or desert, and adult beverages. This Memorial Day was a great success, Pennies and Roses played for the guests and really brought home the patriotic mood. We served around 120 burgers and 50 hotdogs. The food was fabulous and the weather could not have been better. ---- - 5/14/2016- 6 newly hatched Leghorns have arrived! I really like my leghorns, got a few more to finish our layers off for the year! ---- - 4/26/2016- Meat bird processing day, processed 4 birds today! Processed 3 Cornish Cross and 1 old Buff Orpington, processed weights were 5.7, 5.6, 5.4, 3.3 (Buff) LBS! ---- - 4/9/2016- Wyatt's First B-Day Bash! When: Saturday, April 9th - 12 noon until whenever -Wyatt's 1st birthday party! Where: Harts of Eden Farm - 13057 Mount Eden Rd, Mount Eden, KY 40046 What to bring: Your kids, appetite, favorite side dish or desert (optional!), and your own adult beverages. Fried Chicken, Hotdogs, Mac and Cheese, Snacks, Soda Pop, Cake and Ice Cream will be provided. Activities: B-day party – Games, BOUNCY HOUSE - bring a Jacket as it says it will be chilly out, Shooting Range, fun for children and adults! It will be chilly so have your kids dress warmly to jump in the BOUNCY HOUSE! Come celebrate Wyatt’s 1st Birthday! This was a great first birthday party for Wyatt. We had a great turnout and was lots of fun. It was a little chilly but the kids still got outside to play in the bouncy house. ---- -4/3/2016- Took in 3 four year old Buff Orpington birds that needed a home! Birds were ate up with mites and pretty old. Mites were treated with frontline, but unfortunately one bird got snatched and eaten by a neighbor dog, one other passed away in its sleep 2 days after that attack, no signs of internal or external injuries, the third bird lost its tail feathers to another unrelated dog attack but is doing fine. We had planned on giving all three birds to our neighbors to start their own brood, now we only have one left. Farm life is pretty rough on those old city chickens. They sure did not last long out here. ---- -3/27/2016- 16 new birds below have been moved to the summer coop! Kicked them out into the chicken coop. They graduated and are doing great, and pooping up the coop pretty quick! ---- -03/6/2016- 6 newly hatched Leghorn & Cornish Cross chicks have arrived! They were supposed to be all Leghorns but someone messed up so we got 3 leghorns and 3 Cornish X, Oh well, getting started early! ---- -02/28/2016- 10 newly hatched ISA brown chicks have arrived! The backup birds have started arriving, in 4 to 5 months we should start being able to meet increasing egg demands! ---- -10/22/2015- A newly hatched Leghorn chicks has been moved to the coop! Kicked them out into the chicken coop. They graduated and are doing great! ---- -9/26/2015- Harts of Eden Farm Officially started selling eggs! $2.50 a Dozen you provide egg carton. ---- -9/5/2015- Hatched some new Leghorn chicks! Bread from (RIP) Snots the Rooster before we ate him! Out of 5 fertile eggs, only 1 egg expired early (Blood Ring), 1 chick pipped but did not make it, 3 healthy chicks hatched normally. All hens! Pretty good for our first try. These are white Leghorns our favorite breed on the farm. Leghorns are very friendly birds that produce over 300 tasty XL white eggs a year. ---- -8/19/2015- We did some rooster removal! We bread and slaughtered Snots the rooster. He was a little tough but tasty! We also traded 2 barred Rock roosters for a Barred Rock hen and 2 Guinea Fowl. We are currently rooster free, until we hatch some eggs! ---- -7/4/2015- The annual 4th of July / Lily’s B-Day Bash When: Saturday, July 4th 2015- 4pm until 7pm -Lily's birthday party - 7pm until Dark – 4th of July party and FIREWORKS! Activities: B-day party – Games, Volleyball, Badminton, Whiffle ball, horse shoes, corn hole, hiking trails, kiddie pools (one for the little ones and one for kids aged 3 and up) and sprinkler, Shooting Range, “Safari” Rides, Horse rides and FIREWORKS after dark! This turned out to be one HUGE party, FIREWORKS were Huge, Food that showed up was fantastic. This was not a party to miss! Thanks to all that attended! ---- -6/30/2015- A new batch of mixed chicks has started Laying eggs! Its always exciting when the the new birds start laying their peewee eggs. ---- -5/25/2015- 3rd Annual
Harts of Eden Memorial Day Party Hamburgers, hotdogs, chips, and soft drinks will be provided. There will be Food, Kiddie Pools (bring bathing suit), Hiking, Volleyball, Badminton, Wiffle ball, Corn Hole, Shooting Range (bring gun, ammo, hearing, and eye protection), Horse rides, and all sorts of other fun activities. Come see our new place, hang out with friends and family and have a good time. If it rains, or is too hot, we have plenty of air conditioning inside. ALL friends and family are welcome. When: Monday May 25th 2015 (Memorial Day) – Noon until whenever. (Kicking you out @ 10pm) PARTY had a great turn out even with the spotty rain showers. -4/11/2015- A new batch of mixed chicks has been moved outside! Kicked them out into the chicken coop. ---- -4/9/2015- Michael Wyatt Hart is born! He weighed 8lbs 11.6 oz ---- -3/9/2015- A new batch of mixed chicks has been delivered today! A total of 8 chicks delivered, 2 Buff Orpinton, 2 ISA Browns, 2 Road Island Red, and 2 Barred Rock Roosters. All are doing well and are being brooded in the kitchen. ---- -3/1/2015- We have had a hard winter this year! We have had several snowfalls over 24 inches of snow, We had to dig trenches in the snow to allow the chickens to get out of the coop. See our photo gallery for proof! ---- -1/28/2015- First New Wyandotte brown egg! Tammy2 from the new batch of chickens started laying today. Tiny brown egg was picked up and logged. Took her only 5 months. ---- -1/1/2015- Harts of Eden has joined eggzy.net! We are now tracking our egg production online. http://www.eggzy.net/egg-stands/1164 ---- -12/30/2014- New Batch of leghorn hens start laying their first eggs! Today we started getting tiny white eggs showing up in the nest boxes. We have now starting logging every egg layed and tracking our egg production. Only took them 4 months. ---- -9/24/2014- New Farm Logo is posted on the webpage! Thanks to Stuart Plush for designing our new logo. Now we need to find a local wood carver to carve us a sign or two for the farm entrances. ---- -9/22/2014- New baby chicks, 6 pullets and 1 cockerel, get moved outside! New chicks have been moved outside in their own cage inside the coop. They are now 4 weeks old and its time for them to join the old laying hens to get acquainted. They are moved into a pen in the yard during the day to get some needed sunlight. After about a week or two of this routine they will be allowed to free range with the others. ---- -9/20/2014- Started building a winter insulated chicken coop! Rumors of a very harsh winter have prompted us to prepare. The new coop will have a much shorter inside height to make it easier for the bird's bodies to heat. The walls will also be insulated with 1 inch extruded polystyrene foam board and topped with plywood. The floor will also be insulated with plastic vapor barrier, 1" foam board, and 3/4' treated plywood and raised 2' like the other. We are hoping this will keep them living comfortable this winter. ---- -8/26/2014- A new batch of Leghorn chicks has been delivered today! A total of 7 chicks delivered, 5 Leghorn hens and 1 Leghorn Rooster, and 1 Golden Lace Wyandotte. All are doing well and are being brooded in the kitchen. ---- -7/4/2014- The annual 4th of July / Lily’s B-Day Bash When: Friday, July 4th - 6pm until Dark – FIREWORKS! Burgers, hotdogs, Soda pop, Cake and Ice Cream will be provided. Activities: B-day party – Games, Volleyball, Badminton, Whiffle ball, horse shoes, corn hole, hiking trails, kiddie pools and sprinkler (bring bathing suit), Shooting Range (bring your gun and eye and ear protection), Safari Hay Rides, Horse rides, and various other farm animals. FIREWORKS after dark! PARTY WAS A HUGE HIT, unknown how many attended, but the fireworks were INSANE! We had quite a few left over as it got too late to set them all off. ---- -5/26/2014- 2nd Annual
Harts of Eden Memorial Day Party Hamburgers, hotdogs, chips, and soft drinks will be provided. There will be Food, Kiddie Pools (bring bathing suit), Lawnmower Races, Hiking, Volleyball, Badminton, Wiffle ball, Corn Hole, Camp Fire, Shooting Range (bring gun, ammo, hearing, and eye protection), and all sorts of other fun activities. Come see our new place, hang out with friends and family and have a good time. If it rains, or is too hot, we have plenty of air conditioning inside. ALL friends and family are welcome. When: Monday May26th (Memorial Day) – Noon until whenever. (Kicking you out @ 10pm) PARTY WAS A HUGE HIT, over 40 families attended and had a great time. ----